Tag: West Bank

Israeli Legislator: Firebombing Of Dawabsha Family ‘Not An Act Of Terror’

Israeli Knesset Member Bezalel Smotrich stated on Thursday that he did not consider the burning to death of a Palestinian family to be an act of terror. His statement came on the same day that the main suspect in the attack, an Israeli right-wing settler, was released from prison. Smotrich published a column in the… Read More ›

Video: Israeli Jews Celebrating Wedding By Stabbing Photo Of Palestinian Baby Burned Alive This Summer

What did I just watch! I can’t believe there are people out there that celebrate the death of a innocent baby. The Police in Israel have taken a video from Jewish religious persons dancing at a wedding in Jerusalem. It is reported by Israeli newspaper Haaretz, that the video was taken 3 weeks ago in… Read More ›

Two State Solution? Netanyahu: We Will Not Hand Over Even ‘One Meter’ Of Land

You will always hear from our “so-called friends”, in the “only democracy in he Middle-East” – Israel, that they are always up for negotiations and are up and ready to have a two state solution. But in reality, the right-wing politician’s words are mere lip service. In actual reality they are taking away land from… Read More ›

Israeli Interrogators Abuse Palestinian Boy

The following leaked video shows the Israeli police interrogation and psychological torture of 13-year-old Palestinian boy Ahmad Manasra. In the video, the interrogator shouts and curses at Ahmad. Ahmad repeatedly tells the interrogator that he ‘doesn’t remember’ what happened due to his severe head wound, and even says that he is ‘going crazy’ (at 1.09)…. Read More ›

Israeli Forces Shot Dead Palestinian Man In Hospital

Israeli undercover forces shot dead a Palestinian man in a hospital in the West Bank today during an operation to detain another man suspected of carrying out a stabbing. CCTV footage shows armed men, dressed as local Palestinians, walking through a hospital corridor and aiming their guns at hospital staff. Pro-Israel puppets have already found… Read More ›

The Distortion And Death Behind Israel/Palestine Coverage

A crisis in Palestine is again all over the headlines. From stabbings and molotov cocktails, to killing of protesters and anti-Arab lynch mobs–how much of the mass media coverage can we really trust? Abby Martin takes a look at how the so-called “Israel-Palestine conflict” has been covered by the mainstream press during the last crisis… Read More ›

“We Will Gas You Until You All Die” – Israeli Forces To Aida Camp

“We will gas you until you die – your families, your sisters, your children, everyone.” – Israeli border police officer to Palestinians in the Aida refugee camp in the occupied West Bank. Yazan Ikhlayel, 17, was at Aida refugee camp’s local community center when Israeli forces stormed the camp. He was filming Israeli jeeps rolling… Read More ›

Jewish Kids Say They would feel “Happy” To See Dead Arabs

Jewish kids say they would feel happy to see dead Arabs. Do these kids also represent a whole faith? Very sad to see kids being brainwashed by lunatic Zionists into hating Arabs… Watch the video here: Source: Itamar Rose

VIDEO: Israeli Puts Bacon On The Deceased Body Of A Murdered Palestinian

Video has emerged where an Israeli puts bacon on the deceased body of a murdered Palestinian. Watch the full video here: Source: DOAM

How Christians Are Treated In The ‘Only Democracy In The Middle-East’ – Israel

The exodus from the Holy Land of Palestinian Christians could eventually leave holy cities like Jerusalem and Bethlehem without a local Christian population. Bob Simon reports. This is a CBS video from the 60 minutes show in 2012. It is 15 minutes long. Worth watching. How Christians are treated in Israel… Source: CBS News