Tag: Apartheid

Two State Solution? Netanyahu: We Will Not Hand Over Even ‘One Meter’ Of Land

You will always hear from our “so-called friends”, in the “only democracy in he Middle-East” – Israel, that they are always up for negotiations and are up and ready to have a two state solution. But in reality, the right-wing politician’s words are mere lip service. In actual reality they are taking away land from… Read More ›

Israeli Forces Shut Down Palestinian Radio Stations

The Israeli government shut down three Palestinian, Arabic-language outlets this past month alone, leaving more than 30 journalists jobless. “Israeli politicians (and US ones as well) often tout the idea that “Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East.” While this is often disputed, stifling dissent by closing down news outlets seems pretty obviously… Read More ›

Video: Israelis Chant “N*ggers Go Home”

Israeli’s took to the streets following an Israeli High Court ruling to close the Holot detention center. Israelis took to the streets with ISIS-style flags, chanting “ni*gers go home” at an anti-African rally in Tel Aviv following an Israeli High Court ruling to close the Holot detention center. Israel has faced international scrutiny for it’s… Read More ›

Israeli Forces Shot Dead Palestinian Man In Hospital

Israeli undercover forces shot dead a Palestinian man in a hospital in the West Bank today during an operation to detain another man suspected of carrying out a stabbing. CCTV footage shows armed men, dressed as local Palestinians, walking through a hospital corridor and aiming their guns at hospital staff. Pro-Israel puppets have already found… Read More ›

“We Will Gas You Until You All Die” – Israeli Forces To Aida Camp

“We will gas you until you die – your families, your sisters, your children, everyone.” – Israeli border police officer to Palestinians in the Aida refugee camp in the occupied West Bank. Yazan Ikhlayel, 17, was at Aida refugee camp’s local community center when Israeli forces stormed the camp. He was filming Israeli jeeps rolling… Read More ›

Jewish Kids Say They would feel “Happy” To See Dead Arabs

Jewish kids say they would feel happy to see dead Arabs. Do these kids also represent a whole faith? Very sad to see kids being brainwashed by lunatic Zionists into hating Arabs… Watch the video here: Source: Itamar Rose

VIDEO: Israeli Puts Bacon On The Deceased Body Of A Murdered Palestinian

Video has emerged where an Israeli puts bacon on the deceased body of a murdered Palestinian. Watch the full video here: Source: DOAM

How Christians Are Treated In The ‘Only Democracy In The Middle-East’ – Israel

The exodus from the Holy Land of Palestinian Christians could eventually leave holy cities like Jerusalem and Bethlehem without a local Christian population. Bob Simon reports. This is a CBS video from the 60 minutes show in 2012. It is 15 minutes long. Worth watching. How Christians are treated in Israel… Source: CBS News

Reality Check: Gaza Is Still Occupied?

Israel says it no longer occupies Gaza after disengaging from the strip of land in 2005. But Palestinians, international organisations, human rights groups and governments, including the United States, argue Gaza is still occupied. In the Reality Check, Mehdi Hasan challenges Israel’s narrative, arguing the country still controls Gaza’s borders, airspace and territorial waters. He… Read More ›

Video: Shocking Words Of Israeli Leaders Read Aloud In Irish Parliament

By Ali Abunimah / Electronic Intifada In this video, Irish lawmaker Richard Boyd Barrett reads out some of the more shocking, violent and racist statements recently made by Israeli ministers and military officials. Boyd Barrett was speaking in Dáil Éireann, the lower house of the parliament of the Republic of Ireland, yesterday during questions to… Read More ›